My study tour on kotri barrage

                                                           KOTRI BARRAGE

On Indus river there are 6 barrages among them in sindh there are three barrages named sukker,guddu,and kotri barrage.A barrage is a type of dam which consists of a line of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount of water passing the dam. The gates are set between flanking piers which are responsible for supporting the water load. They are often used to control and stabilize water flow of
rivers for irrigation systems.
sukkar barrage made in 1932,then after 23 years kotri barrage was constucted in 1955 and then after 7 year gudu barage in 1962.

The foundation stone of this Barrage was laid on 12th February 1950 and it was formally opened on 5th June 1955 by the then Governor of Pakistan, Mr.Ghulam Muhammad, and the Barrage named after him as Ghulam Muhammad Barrage.Later on in 1970’s the Barrage was re-named as KOTRI BARRAGE..

The barrage has 44 bays, each 60 feet wide and 23ft in hight.the  piezometer  is placed on every gate to know that how much pressure is on gates. The maximum flood level height of Kotri barrage is 43.1 feet.The length of the left and right guide bank is 1.600 meter or 1.6 kilometer long.It has a maximum design discharge of 875,000 cusecs.but after 1 year In 15 august 1956 flood came and water flow with the discharge of 981,000 cusecs and in 2010 again flood came with the discharge of 964,000 cusecs.
Kotri Barrage was constructed to irrigate  left side Fulleli, Pinyari and on right side Kolari canals.

 The reason to built the kotri barrage was to provide the water to lower sindh region like thata,badin..The Barage also provides water to Kalri Lake which is the main source of water for Karachi.Kotri Barrage is used to control water flow in the River Indus for irrigation and flood control feed the 32 lak acrs.

kotri barrage have fish leder are the main component of this ever living thing that is growing with the help of barrage (ecosystem) fishes do grow there.fishes need that water to serviov as it is very huge barrage and huge amount of water flows through it with a high discharge.fishes need less then 10ft/sec of discharge to serviov and give eggs and increase there population,because sea is near to the kotri engineers decided to build fish leder with zig zag ship on the right side of barrage pocket wall so that water flow decrease there and fishes can easily give eggs.

Only kotri barrage has ship block.ship bloks are formed becouse sea is near on 158 km from kotri barrage and ships,boats and batle ships can cross from here,indus river to sea or from sea to indus engineers dicides that it will be helpful for every one to make a ship block.its is 60ft in weidth it is made left side of kotri has a huge gate and any  ship with weidth of 60ft or lesser can cros through it.befor they pass ship through they conformed that ship weidh is 60ft or less then 60 ft,if ship is greater then 60 ft it will stuck insider the block.

water is diverge to the canals with the help of their pokets.kotri barrage has 2 pocket or pond one is on left side and on is on right side.left pond is bigger then right one because there are two canal so they need more water.two walls are perpendicular to gates are called divide walls.water is stocked in the ponds,the velocity decrease there and silt get on the bottom of the pond and then water is allowed to pass through canals.silt is very bad for canals,it can decrease discharge of water,damages the gates e.t.c.the silt is then removed from the ponds time by time.length of left divide wall is 481 discharge of left side combined canals is  28240 cusec.

"CUSEC= Cusec is a measure of flow rate and is informal shorthand for cubic feet per second or volume per unite time."

My points:I think that kind of study tour should be made so that student can realy enjoy study.
 Study tours are designed to be both fun and educational.I enjoyed most because it was amazing standing on the barrage and taking lacture about it there,& it make my mind easy to understand that what is going on.every moment i feel,I don't have to imagine, it was all right frount of me.teachers should teach their student by giving them demonstration.and take the student to the study tour.I realy thank my teacher who take us to this tour to kotri barrage DR.Abdul Ghafoor siyal.
and spacial thanks to those engineers who guides us and said if you need any help you can came.

Name:M.Jamil laghari


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